Big Oil Evades Accountability

Corporate Greed in Indian Country

On the Osage reservation, Big Oil’s schemes span the Koch bros. to orphan wells

Anne DeLong

March 8, 2025

In the early 20th century, the Tribe struck black gold: an immense oil reserve of 1.5 million acres beneath their land. Its discovery soon made the Osage the “wealthiest community in the world, per capita.” Because the Tribe owned the mineral estate communally, its members each received an equal share of its royalties, known as a “headright.” With some individuals receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in the 1920s, Osages could afford luxury cars, new homes, and help from domestic workers. They ascended to a form of financial privilege that’s rare in colonized communities

An elderly Native man, dressed in a blanket and hat, stares intensely into the camera.

Photo of my great x 4 grandfather, Chief Ne-Kah-Wah-She-Ton-Kah, from the Oklahoma Historical Society. He twice twice as Principal Chief and helped change the law to better protect headright owners.

This overnight fortune came with its drawbacks. In the 1920s, a string of Osage women were mysteriously murdered. An investigation by the newly formed FBI discovered that one man, a local philanthropist and leader named William Hale, orchestrated a sinister plan. He arranged for his white relatives to marry Osage women. Then, he had them murdered, one-by-one, and concentrated a number of headrights among his family. At the time, the inheritance and probate laws allowed for this scheme. 

This is the subject of Martin Scorcese’s Oscar-nominated film “Killers of the Flower Moon.” But Hale was not the only predator pushing schemes in Osage county. During the “Reign of Terror,” countless others stole goods and jewelry from the Osages, engaged in price gouging, and committed their own murders. 

Despite this traumatic past, the Tribe now exercises a greater degree of sovereignty over its communally-owned mineral estate than it did in the 1920s, and many headright holders rely on these payments as their primary source of income. Revenues have been used to advance the Tribe’s welfare. For example, the Tribe recently bought back a large portion of land within its reservation, transforming it into a ranch that preserves American bison and traditional tallgrass. It founded the Osage Nation Language Department twenty years ago, employing both my mom and grandmother as teachers of our endangered language. The Nation also operates a successful casino enterprise, now valued at $130 million annually. The Osage Higher Education Scholarship enabled me, and many others, to graduate from college debt-free.