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[F]law School Episode 1: "Suppression by Surveillance"
How Corporate Technologies Fuel Crackdowns on College Protests
Jessenia Class
Suppression by Surveillance
Protest Movements and the Corporate Surveillers Profiting Off Fear
Jessenia Class
Recent Features
Suppression by Surveillance
Protest Movements and the Corporate Surveillers Profiting Off Fear
Jessenia Class
Behind the Executive Shield
Citibank’s illegal discrimination against Armenian Americans
Talish Babaian
Dark Money’s Dark Magic
How the wealthy play sleight-of-hand with our democratic institutions
Varsha Midha
20-Packs of Interviews
How BigLaw Pays for Earlier and Earlier Access to Harvard Students
Samara Trilling
Harvard Law School's Graduation Propaganda
How public interest messaging paints a misleading picture of HLS
Frank Obermeyer
Corporate Carbon Footprint Fraud
How corporations weaponize carbon footprints to blame individuals and escape liability
Chloe Meyers
Private Investment in a Public Good
A look at the Intersection of Water Law and Corporate Law
Grace Summers
Additional Content
RAD: The End of Public Housing?
How “Saving” Government Housing Opened the Door to Privatization
Chris Lester
Minor Crimes, Major Consequences
Arrest as a Revenue-Driving Strategy — An Examination of Failure-To-Pay Arrest Warrants
Arzu Singh
Prisons as Sacrifice Zones
Tracing the Corporate Profiteers Behind Environmental and Climate Injustices in Carceral Facilities
Jessenia Class
Keeping Consumers out of Court
Corporations don’t have to win lawsuits if you can’t bring them in the first place.
Sarah Hart
Profiting From Moral Panic
How Profit-Driven Media Outlets Empowered the Anti-Trans Movement
Simone Unwalla
Editor’s Picks
The Salience of Emotional Harms
In Pursuit of Accountability for Social Media’s Mental Health Impacts
Haley Florsheim
Corporations are Keeping Cop City Alive
How Corporate Actors Have Worked to Destroy Atlanta’s Forest and Expand the Prison Industrial Complex
Jessenia Class
Profiting From Moral Panic
How Profit-Driven Media Outlets Empowered the Anti-Trans Movement