Special Editions
Corporate Capture of the Legal System
Samara Trilling, 20-Packs of Interviews: How BigLaw Pays for Earlier and Earlier Access to Harvard Students
Frank Obermeyer, Harvard Law School’s Graduation Propaganda
Frank Obermeyer, [F]law School Episode 4: Public Interest Propaganda
Vinny Byju, Pushed Away from Public Interest
Tyler Price, Justice for Sale: A Shopping List
Simone Unwalla, David vs Goliath: How Corporate Interests Dominate Civil Appellate Litigation & What We Can Do About It
Delana Sobhani, A New Dawn For Corporate America: How the Rich and Powerful Use Bankruptcy to Evade Accountability
Sam Perri, The Corporate Origins of Common Good Constitutionalism
Marty Strauss, In Search of Sunlight: How Corporate Law Careers Outshine All Else at Elite Law Schools
Rosie Kaur, Big Law’s Capture of Students of Color
Noelle Musolino, The Price of a Harvard Lawyer
Lisa Fanning, The Corporate Roots of Conservative Legal Thought
Ellie Olsen, The Dirty Work of America’s Legal Darlings: How Elite Corporate Lawyers Are Fueling Inequality
Logan Campbell, What Good is Pro Bono?: How Big Law Firms Use Pro Bono To Mask Harm
(More Articles Coming Soon)
Related Articles on Corporate Capture of Higher Education
Jessica Graham, The Price of Potential
Daniel Dalla Vedova, Ivory Tower No More: Endowments like Harvard’s Mask Donor Control
Sarah Rosenkrantz, Harvard and the Housing Crisis: The Non-Profit Corporate Landlord Behind Boston’s Housing Crisis